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The new teacher's house under construction

Padzuwa Primary School in Lilongwe, Malawi, faced challenges due to the limited number of teachers' houses. Many teachers had to travel long distances, leading to late arrivals and disrupting the start of classes, affecting the student's learning experience.

The Creative Centre for Community Mobilization (CRECCOM) stepped in to facilitate training on safe school committees through The Girls Get Equal project funded by NORAD through Plan International Malawi, initiating the school's journey towards progress. The training played a crucial role in promoting gender equality and creating a safe learning environment.

With the active involvement of the community, significant progress was made. The community mobilized sand at the construction site and molded 5,000 bricks at the school premises, showcasing their commitment and ownership of the school's development.

Headteacher Ezekiel Mwale expressed his enthusiasm for the teacher's house, stating, "This teacher's house will make a significant difference in our school. It will attract more qualified teachers and provide them with a conducive living environment, ultimately improving the quality of education we offer to our students."

The ongoing construction of the teacher's house is poised to alleviate the challenges faced by the school. The community's collaboration and unwavering determination have turned Padzuwa Primary School into a place where every child's dreams can come true. Through this collective effort, the school is on the path to success, ensuring a brighter future for all its students.


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