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Stanley presenting the positive impact on the health sector at Makhuwira health center

Stanley Ntanga is both a nurse and Health Surveillance Assistant at Makhuwira Health Center, Traditional Authority Makhuwira in Chikwawa district.

Ntanga said that the Breakthrough Action project has brought a lot of positive impact on the health sector as there is a reduction of teenage pregnancies in the area of Makhuwira

Between January and June 2019, Ntanga said that his office registered a high number of cases of teenage pregnancies of approximately 750 cases of teenage pregnancies.

Ntanga said that most of the cases were over between the ages of 14 to 16 years old.

“This used to make me and my team do our duties tirelessly since we were having a lot of deliveries that also came with different complications as the babies that were born were from girls who were not matured enough,” said Ntanga.

Ntanga further added to say that some of the girls lose a lot of blood when delivering their babies, and other teen mothers used to die during delivery which was a big problem.

With the coming in of the Breakthrough Action project, Ntanga said that the project has assisted in sensitization of the importance of education among students and even the danger of teenage pregnancies.

“Since January 2022 up to now, my office has registered close to133 teenage pregnancies which is a huge difference as compared to the time when the project was not in existence at Makhuwira community, said Ntanga.

Ntanga added to say that there is a reduction in cases of abortion.

“We used to register 20 -33 cases of abortion but we are now able to register 9 cases and we are thankful to the project for the positive impact,” said Ntanga


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