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Outdoor activity, participants being taught on how other people could influence GBV eradication

Creative Centre for Community Mobilization (CRECCOM) has called community leaders in Traditional Authorities Nsamala in Balaka Chiwalo in Machinga and Katuli in Mangochi to fight against gender-based violence and post-violence care through its SASA! Faith for Community Activists training under its COVID-19 Response Mechanism project funded by the Global fund through the Malawi Government Ministry of Health, and ActionAid Malawi.

CRECCOM Program Officer, Dan Tewesa said that cases of violence against women are rampant.

Tewesa said the training will help to strengthen support for women experiencing violence and for men committed to non-violence

“It also helps to engage everyone in practical actions that demonstrate their commitment to greater justice, peace, and dignity in relationships,” said Tewesa.

Agreeing with Tewesa, District Environmental Health Officer for Balaka, Blessings Chitsime commended CRECCOM for the SASA training by saying that the training will help to reduce GBV occurrences in Balaka since people will be well informed of the effects of GBV.

“A reduction in GBV cases would also help Chiendausiku health facility to concentrate on other diseases such as Malaria and TB rather than dealing with GBV casualties,” said Chitsime

Group Village Head Chiendausiku from Balaka district said the training is an eye-opener as most of them did not know some of the stages of how to deal with GBV.

“I will make sure that his community is proactive and takes action on every GBV case that arises until the bad acts come to an end,” said Chiendausiku

SASA! Faith for Community activist is an initiative in which leaders, members, and allies of religions come together to prevent violence against women and HIV.


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