Strengthening Higher Education Access in Malawi Activity (SHEAMA)
CRECCOM is implementing Strengthening Scholar Support initiative as one way of complementing the Strengthening Higher Education Access in Malawi Activity (SHEAMA).
Strengthening Scholar Support Component
Rural youth will maximize their potential only when there are resources and services to nurture their abilities and potential. CRECCOM is implementing Strengthening Scholar Support initiative as one way of complementing the Strengthening Higher Education Access in Malawi Activity (SHEAMA). The project, which is funded by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Arizona State University (ASU), intends to transform the lives of rural CDSS girls by strengthening the social and support structures that surround them to complete education and transition to tertiary education.
The project targets form 4 graduates and those who are about to graduate so that they access information on higher learning opportunities existing at 5 universities in the country; increase transition of rural girls from CDSSs to institutions of higher learning and improve life and employability skills of rural CDSS girls.
In the “Scholar Support initiative” component of the project, CRECCOM works with both in-school students and those out of school with MSCE certificates who may be interested in pursuing higher learning. The project also utilizes head teachers as conduits for information relating to short courses available at the 5 universities.
Project Goal
To transform the lives of rural CDSS youth by strengthening the social and support structures that surround them.
CRECCOM’s Intermediate Results of Focus (IRs)/Objectives
· Increase Access to Information on Higher Learning Opportunities
· Improve life and employability skills of rural CDSS girls
· Increase transition of rural girls from CDSS to ODL centers
Expected Outcomes
Increased access to information on higher learning opportunities
Increased transition of rural girls from CDSSs to institutions of higher learning
Improved life and employability skills of rural CDSS girls
Processes/Activities by CRECCOM
Establish girls and boys’ forums in 42 CDSSs
Orient Head teachers on how to monitor and support youth forum activities
Conduct role modeling sessions by beneficiaries of short courses offered by the 5 universities.
Conduct awareness meetings on available short courses offered by 5 universities.
Conduct career guidance talks
Power in Numbers
Funding Amount ($)
Coverage (per district)
Estimated Project Outreach